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topics in algebra, solution herstein [pdf] MathSchool

Topics in Algebra (Solution Manual) by I. N. Herstein

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About this book :-
Topics in Algebra, (Solution Manual) written by I. N. Herstein
The idea to write this book, and more important the desire to do so, is a direct outgrowth of a course i gave in the academic year 1959-1960 at Cornell University. The class taking this course consisted, in large part, of the most gifted sophomores in mathematics at Cornell. It was my desire to experiment by presenting to them material a little beyond that which is usually taught in algebra at the junior-senior level.
Both in content and degree of sophistication, about halfway between two great classics, A Survey of Modern Algebra, by Birkhoff and MacLane, and Modern Algebra, by Van der Waerden.
The last few years have seen marked changes in the instruction given in mathematics at the American universities. This change is most notable at the upper undergraduate and beginning graduate levels. Topics that a few years ago were considered proper subject matter for semiadvanced graduate courses in algebra have filtered down to, and are being taught in, the very first course in abstract algebra. Convinced that this filtration will continue and will become intensified in the next few years, This book is designed to be used as the student's first introduction to algebra, material which hitherto has been considered a little advanced for that stage of the game.
(I. N. Herstein)

Book Detail :-
Title: Topics in Algebra (Solution Manual)
Author(s): I. N. Herstein
Publisher: Hsiao Yuan Publication Co., Ltd.
Year: 1991
Pages: 444
Type: PDF
Language: Englsih
ISBN: 957-12-0321-1
Country: US
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About Author :-
Author Israel Nathan Herstein (1923–1988) was a mathematician, he was appointed as professor at the University of Chicago in 1951. He worked on a variety of areas of algebra, including ring theory, with over 100 research papers and over a dozen books.
Herstein was born in Lublin, Poland, in 1923. His family emigrated to Canada in 1926, and he grew up in a harsh and underprivileged environment where, according to him, "you either became a gangster or a college professor."[2] During his school years he played football, ice hockey, golf, tennis, and pool. He also worked as a steeplejack and as a barker at a fair. He received his B.S. degree from the University of Manitoba and his M.A. from the University of Toronto. He received his Ph.D from Indiana University in 1948. His advisor was Max Zorn. He held positions at the University of Kansas, Ohio State University, University of Pennsylvania, and Cornell University before permanently settling at the University of Chicago in 1962. He was a Guggenheim Fellow for the academic year 1960–1961.
He is famous for his lucid style of writing, as exemplified by his Topics in Algebra, an undergraduate introduction to abstract algebra that was first published in 1964, with a second edition in 1975. A more advanced text is his Noncommutative Rings[3] in the Carus Mathematical Monographs series. His primary interest was in noncommutative ring theory, but he also wrote papers on finite groups, linear algebra, and mathematical economics.
He had 30 Ph.D. students, traveled and lectured widely, and spoke Italian, Hebrew, Polish, and Portuguese. He died from cancer in Chicago, Illinois, in 1988. His doctoral students include Miriam Cohen, Wallace S. Martindale, Susan Montgomery, Karen Parshall and Claudio Procesi.

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• Download PDF Topics in Algebra (Solution Manual) by I. N. Herstein NEW

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Book Contents :-
Topics in Algebra, (Solution Manual) written by I. N. Herstein cover the following topics.
1. Preliminary Notions
2. Group Theory
3. Ring Theory
4. Vector Spaces and Modules
5. Fields
6. Linear Transformations
7. Selected Topics

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