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calculus and its application 10e bittinger ellenbogen surgent [pdf]

Calculus and its Applications (10th Edition) by Marvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbogen, Scott A. Surgent

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About this book :-
Calculus and its applications (10th Edition) written by Marvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbogen, Scott A. Surgent
Calculus and Its Applications is the most student-oriented applied calculus text on the market, and this tenth edition continues to improve on that approach. The authors believe that appealing to students’ intuition and speaking in a direct, down-to-earth manner make this text accessible to any student possessing the prerequisite math skills. By presenting more topics in a conceptual and often visual manner and adding student self-assessment and teaching aids, this revision addresses students’ needs better than ever before. However, it is not enough for a text to be accessible—it must also provide students with motivation to learn. Tapping into areas of student interest, the authors provide an abundant supply of examples and exercises rich in real-world data from business, economics, environmental studies, health care, and the life sciences. New examples cover applications ranging from the distribution of wealth to the growth of membership in Facebook. Found in every chapter, realistic applications draw students into the discipline and help them to generalize the material and apply it to new and novel situations. To further spark student interest, hundreds of meticulously drawn graphs and illustrations appear throughout the text, making it a favorite among students who are visual learners.
Appropriate for a one-term course, this text is an introduction to applied calculus. A course in intermediate algebra is a prerequisite, although Appendix A: Review of Basic Algebra, together with Chapter R, provides a sufficient foundation to unify the diverse backgrounds of most students. For schools offering a two-term course, additional chapters are available online; see the Contents.

Book Detail :-
Title: Calculus and its Applications
Edition: 10th
Author(s): Marvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbogen, Scott Surgent
Publisher: Addison Wesley/Pearson
Year: 2011
Pages: 729
Type: PDF
Language: English
ISBN: 0321694333,9780321694331
Country: US
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About Author :-
The author Marvin L. Bittinger received his BS in Mathematics and Computer Science from Clarkson University, MS in Applied Mathematics from Clarkson University and Ph D in Applied Mathematics from Clarkson University. He is the professor of Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis.
He is Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from Purdue University in 1968. He is also the author of "The Faith Equation," a book that integrates theology and mathematics as evidence of the Christian faith. Bestselling college textbook author Marvin L. Bittinger provides a new and original defense of the Christian faith using a framework of mathematics. In The Faith Equation, Dr. Bittinger uses mathematical concepts to examine both truth and paradox from the Bible, historical details examining prophecy, the growth in Christian evangelism, the healing power of prayer, the Trinity, and numerical applications of math in the Bible - even how string theory relates to the endtimes.

The author Scott A. Surgent is the professor of Arizona State University. Scott Surgent received a master’s degree in mathematics from the University of California, Riverside (including a year in Australia), where he researched Random Fractal Geometry and Dynamic Systems. He has been teaching at ASU since 1994, and over the years has taught almost all first and second-year mathematics courses, and usually teaches the Calculus for Engineers sequence. Since 2011, Surgent has been the coordinator of First Year Mathematics, helping manage all first and second-year courses, and since 2012, oversees the online mathematics program. He has served on many departmental and university committees. He is a co-author of "Calculus and Its Applications" (Pearson, 10th and 11th editions and an Extended Version, 1st Ed) with Marvin Bittinger and David Ellenbogen.

David J. Ellenbogen is the professor of Community College of Vermont

All Famous Books of this Author :-
Here is list all books, text books, editions, versions or solution manuals avaliable of this author, We recomended you to download all.
• Download PDF Precalculus A Right Triangle Approach (4th Edition) by Judith A. Beecher, Judith A. Penna, Marvin L. Bittinger NEW
• Download PDF Calculus and its Applications (10th Edition) by Marvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbogen, Scott A. Surgent NEW

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Book Contents :-
Calculus and its applications (10th Edition) written by Marvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbogen, Scott A. Surgent cover the following topics.
Prerequisite Skills
Diagnostic Test
R. Functions, Graphs, and Models
1. Differentiation
2. Applications of Differentiation
3. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
4. Integration
5. Applications of Integration
6. Functions of Several Variables
A. Sequences and Series online
B. Differential Equations online
C. Trigonometric Functions online
Summary and Review


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